1. Program objective
The farmers' empowerment and increased access to markets contribute to the poverty reduction in the rural areas
- Objectives per components
I. The policies for rural economic development are improved and fair due to AGROinform networking and established partnerships in lobby
II. Farmers develop businesses by increasing investments and access to markets
III. The farmers' welfare increase through cooperation, knowledge transfer and sustainable agricultural practices
2. Program outcomes
Outcome I:
Through lobby and networking, the policies for rural economic development were improved and became fair, which had a broad impact on all levels beneficiaries, community and organization. This consists of the following elements:
- The increased subsidies by 15% lead to more investments and respectively to increased net incomes of rural population, especially for the small and medium farmers.
- The simplified export procedures contribute to access easier the external markets, which brings benefits to the farmers and their families.
- By involving more actively the women in policy debates special facilities are reached for the production sectors where mostly women are involved e.g. vegetables and milk production.
- At the organizational level the increased number of members' strengthens the sustainability of the organization and its negotiation power in relation to decision makers and partners.
Outcome II:
Through assistance in marketing and business development, the farmers develop their businesses by increasing investments and access to markets.
The main results foreseen are: sustainable businesses were created and developed; the entrepreneurial spirit among the producers increased, so that 2 mln euro were invested in business development; the incomes of the farmers/entrepreneurs increased by 10%; new markets were accessed; the negotiation capacities of farmers with the business environment were enhanced; the volume of exports of agri-food products increased, facilitated by the MIS which use grew by 8%.
Outcome III:
The farmers' cooperation contribute to the farmers' welfare increase through knowledge transfer and sustainable agricultural practices. The following outcomes are expected under this component:
- Within the cooperatives, the farmers have access to high quality inputs, markets and technological services, which allows increasing their incomes with 10%. Farmers could sell their products with 5% higher compared to the prices offered by the processors.
- In the producers' groups, 30% use of good agricultural practices became the norm. Promotion of the environmentally friendly practices is the first step in making aware the society regarding the negative effects of the climate change on the agriculture and on the human society as a whole. The democratic and participative culture of cooperative administration contributes to the development of the rural communities. In the informal groups, productivity increases by 7%.
- The farmers' knowledge accumulated during trainings and assistance through farmers' organizations and informal groups leads to a rational use of pesticides. This will have a positive effect on the environment and makes investments within cooperatives with a strict follow up of the norms for the environment protection. All this has a positive impact on the export opportunities, which increases also due to higher quality of the products.
- The AGROinform Federation strengthens its capacities in providing professional services needed to producers groups. AGROinform, through the accumulated experience, strengthens its leading position in promoting and developing formal and informal farmers 'organizations.
- Attracting the informal and formal organizations, including commodity associations as AGROinform members' allows increasing the representation power which lately makes easier the negotiation process with state and non-state structures in protecting the rights of the members.
3. Program outputs
Component I. Lobby and Networking
Objective: The policies for rural economic development are improved and fair due to AGROinform networking and established partnerships in lobby
Output 1: Improved and fair agricultural policies
- 2 lobby campaigns conducted
- 2 local partnerships established within the lobby campaigns
- 4 comparative-analytic studies performed and the outcomes promoted to the public and decision makers
Output 2: Lobby activities conducted in partnership
- 60 NGOs – members of the Coalition for Rural Economic Development– involved in at least one AGROinform lobby campaign
- 15 mass-media involved in promoting the AGROinform and CRED positions and declarations
- Contacts established with decision makers
Output 3: The AGROinform network mobilizes its members for lobby activities
- The AGROinform representation power increase by the growth of members number by 20%
- 30 General Assemblies on regional level held as platform for agricultural policies debates, involving 75% of AGROinform members
- 2 National Conferences of the members held with the participation of decision makers, mass-media and partners raising major problems related to agricultural sector
- 35 farmers (including 20% women), members of the Board and Federation gain abilities in lobby issues
- At least 1700 members participate in networking activities
Component II. Marketing and Business Development
Objective: The farmers develop businesses by increasing investments and access to markets
Output 1: Farmers know better the market trends by using the MIS information
- Price data base developed including:
- Weekly wholesale prices for 58 products available on 5 markets
- Weekly/monthly prices collected from 250 agricultural producers
- Weekly prices from 4 external markets
- 270 market analyses and studies developed
- 200 electronic commercial subscriptions to AgraVista products
- 2400 marketing newsletters distributed
Output 2: Farmers invest in marketing due to the received assistance
- 200 business plans developed
- 130 business plans financed in the amount of 2 mln. EUR
- 20 new micro-enterprises established and 650 working places created
- 15 consultants with abilities/skills in providing assistance in business development
Output 3: Farmers increase their sales, inclusive on external markets
- 6 regional marketing consultants start acting as agricultural brokers
- about 5400 commercial offers placed on agroinform.md
- transactions assisted in the value of 4,5 mln. EUR
- 570 contacts and contracts made
- 12 regional exhibitions and fairs organized
Component III. Farmers' cooperation
Objective: The farmers' welfare increase through cooperation, knowledge transfer and sustainable agricultural practices
Output 1: The existing cooperatives receive assistance in their development
- 18 existing cooperatives increase their sales with 10%
- The cooperatives invest 120 thousand EUR in value added technologies
- The cooperatives increase the number of members with 15%
- The fiscal policy related to business coops is improved
Output 2: New marketing cooperatives established
- 4 new cooperative created with 120 members
- The new created cooperatives invest 100 thousand EUR in value added technologies
- 15 Regional Organizations have capacities in cooperative development
Output 3: The farmers' commodity associations represent the members' interests
- 1 commodity associations with 70 members established and functional
- 4 initiatives and proposals for protecting/representing the interests negotiated successfully with processors
- The commodity associations get a higher price with at least 5% in comparison to the prices offered by the processors
Output 4: The farmers get better access to markets through sales groups
- 20 sales groups functioning with the involvement of 550 farmers
- 95 transactions in the amount of 120 thousand EUR made by the farmers from the sales groups
- 20 assistance plans developed for the sales groups
- A Guide related to the assistance of sales groups developed
Output 5: The farming efficiency increase by studying in Study Circles (SC)
- 300 farmers study through 20 SC following concrete study plans
- The members of 20 SC increase their knowledge in farm management and get higher yields
- 12 study materials developed
- 120 farmers are trained in subject matter issues
Output 6: The SC initiatives mobilize the communities in solving their problems
- 12 SC mobilize the communities for solving common problems
- 14 joint actions carried out with the support of the local public authorities and local entrepreneurs
- 5 study materials developed
- 12 women leaders get new abilities
Output 7: The production groups apply sustainable practices through Participatory Extension Planning
- 180 farmers are involved in 12 production groups for sustainable production
- 12 extension plans for sustainable production developed
- 140 farmers participate in training activities
- Guide for assisting production groups in good agricultural practices developed
- Annual conference for promoting the sustainable agriculture and climate adaptation organized
Implementation period: 2010-2012