TERMS OF REFENCE Support in organizing the Study Tour to Poland to observe good practices of farmers' cooperation and advanced technologies in the horticultural sector Location: Poland Length of the assignment: 7 calendar days (including flights to and from Poland) Number of participants: 12 people
BACKGROUND The Promoting inclusive horticultural value chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova Project, financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and implemented by the National Federation of Agricultural Producers from Moldova AGROinform aims to collate and disseminate key learnings on how best to use collective actions to promote profitable and inclusive value chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova.One of the capacity building activities for the project benenficieries is the external study tour in EU countries. The oobjectives of the are meant to help farmers from Moldova to: • Study good farmers' cooperation practices and advanced technologies in the horticultural sector. • Participants of the study tour will learn about support instruments designed for organizations and associations of agricultural producers operating in the agricultural sector, complementing it with the characteristics of Polish agriculture and agri-food products. • Participants will be informed about background situation in polish agriculture sector • Participants will be acknowledging about how the polish farmers are integrated into the horticultural value chains
SCOPE OF WORK The AGROinform will select a local or international consulting company/consultant which will assist AGROinform in organizing the study tour, for 7 calendar days for a group of 10 persons, including the representatives of AGROinform. The AGROinform will select one representatives from each of the beneficiary groups (10) in the first stage of the project. Taking into consideration that Poland has a long tradition in cooperative movement, with a dynamic development from 2000 till now, the participants in the study tour will be informed about the Support Program for Producer Groups in Poland, the Polish experience in the formation and development of producer groups, the advantages of this form of legal organization of farmers, the European Union's policy of supporting initiatives to create producer groups and businesses in the horticultural sector and how collective action help polish farmers to integrate in the horticultural value chains.
Federaţia Naţională a Agricultorilor National Federation of Agricultural din Moldova AGROinform Producers from Moldova AGROinform
Bd. Ştefan cel Mare 123 V 123 V Stefan cel Mare Ave,
MD 2004, Chişinău, Republica Moldova MD 2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
ARRANGEMENTS Under this activity, the AGROinform will cover the cost of logistic services provided by consulting company, accommodations costs and health insurance (7 days) for all participants. The consulting company will provide the following services: • Development and coordination with AGROinform the study tour tentative agenda, which should include but not be limited to the minimum requirements listed below; (i) Setting up training program for the group: half day introduction seminar on agriculture and rural development in Poland, farmer’s organizations, producers groups (ii) Setting up field visits to Polish farmers from different farming area, as it was mentioned above - farmer’s cooperatives and other relevant stakeholders. • Providing logistics during the Study Tour (booking hotels, organizing airport transfer and local transportation services, interpretation, other as necessary).
Timing • The period required for carrying out the study visit: 2017, August-September, preferable August • Total days required for travel: max. 7 calendar days (including flights to and from Poland)
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND EXPERIENCE To be eligible and qualified for participation under this ToR, the company shall meet the following requirements: a) be a legal entity, officially registered, resident and non-resident of Republic of Moldova; b) have experience in organizing similar study tours, commercial visits, etc; c) at least 1 similar visit organized in the period of 2016-2017.
Documents to be included when submitting the proposals Interested companies are asked to submit their applications, consisting of the financial offer. The financial offer will include: Detailed financial proposal would detail cost per each type of service provided (interpretation, hosting fees, presentations, etc.). The cost of services must be provided in US dollars.
CONDITIONS FOR OFFER’S SUBMISSION To be considered, interested companies should submit their proposal in original and a copy in separate sealed envelopes. Envelopes should be marked with the type of offer it contains, name of the bidder, person, telephone number, e-mail address and the name of the bid he is applying for. Offers to be submitted to the following address: National Federation of Agricultural Producers from Moldova AGROinform, 123 V, Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt blvd., MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova no later than 5 August 2017, 10:00. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing by standard electronic communication to Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza . |